Use a Sketchbook to get Creative

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An artist never knows when the muse may strike.

A song, a billboard or a picturesque lawn may trigger an idea for a painting.

A thoughtful artist keeps a sketchbook with him at all times to jot down ideas, make quick sketches and write notes on textures or colors.

A sketchbook, sketch pad, or drawing pad, is a collaborator that can help you make the most of your non-painting time.

While we all have lives to live outside of the studio, it does not mean we lose the ability to create pretty much anywhere, at any time. Keeping a sketchbook available for random thoughts and ideas nearby is the next best thing to having a personal assistant. Well, no, it’s not the next best thing. However, having a sketchpad and pencil is a lot more fun than sitting in a waiting room for 30 minutes reading an outdated magazine.

A Sketchbook Is A Plain And Simple Tool

Many artists have been given a beautifully bound sketchbook as a gift. The lovely volume sits quietly on a shelf, waiting to have even one page adorned with a few artistic strokes of inspiration. The problem is that the artist wants to fill it with charming creations, but he does nothing for fear of creating a messy page not fit for the likes of such an attractive book.

Buy an inexpensive book. It is not meant for the public to admire and should be filled with your impressions of the moment. It is a tool to further your creativity and not become a coffee table retrospect. Fill it up, and then fill another. Paper is cheap, but your ideas are priceless. Don’t let them slip away because you had nothing on which to draw.

Be Honest With Your Sketchbook

Don’t tear pages out of your book. This is a record, not only of your ideas but of your progress as well. Even if a page is one big disaster, there was a seed of inspiration in there, and one day it may mature into something you can use.

This is a record of your thoughts as well as images. Use it for anything that gives you inspiration whether it’s a song, an overheard conversation or a thoughtful bit of poetry.

Use your sketchbook as a scrapbook. Rather than collecting a junk drawer full of memorabilia that will never again see the light of day, tape and glue interesting clippings, leaves, and flyers in your book.

Your sketchbook can be a good place to test out new materials and techniques. You will develop an ongoing record of what works, what doesn’t and what is worth pursuing at another time.

Keep Your Sketchbook With You And Use It

Get into the habit of carrying and using your sketchbook. Those irritating moments in a checkout line or waiting to pick up the little ones from school can be bonus moments of creativity. Creativity is a muscle that needs exercise. Using your sketchbook to limber up and tone those artistic muscles.

Making entries in your sketchbook is a habit you should develop. Until it becomes second nature, you may easily forget about it. Make a conscious effort to pack it along with you and see just how easy it is to get into a creative mood.

Your sketchbook can be a record of your inspirations as well as a catalyst. It is a means by which you can see the growth of your skill and ability. It is also a vehicle for furthering your blossoming artistic creativity. Use it as a tool, a companion, a sounding board and never leave home without it.

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