The Beginners Guide to Painting

Free Beginners Guide To Painting

Welcome to The Beginner’s Guide to Painting – An Introduction To Watercolor, Oil and Acrylic Painting.

If you’re reading this Free Guide, you’ve probably had an interest in art for some time.

Maybe you’re in school and looking for extra instruction to supplement your art class work.

Now that the kids are older and you have spare time, maybe you’re looking for a new hobby.

Or, maybe you’re an artist wanna-be and are ready to come out of the closet and develop skills that have been simmering on the back burner for years.

Whatever your reason, it’s time to get busy and start painting!

Which Medium Is Right For You?

The three most widely used mediums in the art world are oils, acrylics and watercolors. There’s lots of other art materials, and each has its own special beauty. However, most beginning artists choose from among the big three. Oil, watercolor and acrylic paints are available almost anywhere, and the basic techniques used for all of them are pretty straightforward.

Acrylic Watercolor Oil Paints

Before deciding which medium to pursue, take a little time to investigate which paint is right for you, your lifestyle and your surroundings. Take into consideration the amount of materials required, the time the paint requires to dry and the amount of time you have to devote to your new craft.

Also, consider if there are any health or safety issues with the paint you choose. Are you or anyone in your family sensitive to fumes or chemicals? Do you have young children? Do you have pets? These are all things that can make an impact on the suitability of the medium you choose.

Studio Space

You should determine if you have space for a permanent studio. If you don’t, will you need to put away everything between painting sessions? Will you be able to work for long sessions, or is your time limited to short bursts of work tucked in between other obligations? Do you tend to be meticulous, or do you work spontaneously? All of these questions are things you should ask yourself and answer honestly.

Thinking about and answering these questions are important for your success in this new endeavor. Maybe you’ve decided you want to learn oil painting. However, you don’t have a room you can dedicate as a studio and must put everything away each time you’re done painting. Where will you safely store the paintings you’re working on? They can take weeks to dry. Do you have children that may decide to go exploring? Are your paintings and their safety at risk? Maybe oil paints aren’t the right choice for you at this time.

Which Medium Is Right For You?

Are you a College Student?

Perhaps you’re a college student who shares a tiny dorm room with a roommate. How much physical space do you have to store your supplies and set up to paint? A medium like watercolor or acrylics can be done pretty much anywhere and requires few materials. If you don’t have room for an easel, you can work in a small format on a desktop. There’s no fumes to annoy a roommate, and your piece will dry quickly for storage. Watercolor paper takes up almost no space and stores neatly under your bed.

For the budding artist that has the luxury of permanent studio space, time to devote to painting, no one in the home with chemical sensitivities and doesn’t like to be rushed, oil paints are a great choice. Since the paint dries slowly, you can dawdle to your heart’s content. Your dedicated painting space is in no danger of infiltration by marauding pets or children, and your studio is yours to keep as neat or as messy as you desire.

Pack up and Go!

If you’re the type of craftsman who likes to pack up your supplies and take them with you, watercolor is great for portability. Dry pan paints, a few brushes, a pad of paper and a bottle of water are all you need to set up shop anywhere. You never need to worry about the paint not drying or smearing, and all your supplies can fit in almost any bag or satchel. You can paint for 10 minutes or the whole day and still have your supplies put away and ready to head home in just a few moments.

Watercolor Pack Up And Go

With Acrylics, you have the best of both worlds in painting techniques. You can paint like a watercolorist with thin, translucent glazes that dry instantly. Or, much like an oil painter, you can build up layers of thick, creamy paint to create texture and depth.

That’s not to say that you won’t develop a passion for all three mediums, as well as many others, but you need to start somewhere. For now, pick one medium, devote yourself to learning all you can about it, and develop your skills. You may never master your craft, as art is a continual learning experience. That’s one of the great joys of painting. You become a lifelong student. There’s always one more technique to conquer or one more idea to bring to life.

So let’s get started…

FREE Online Art Paint Course

Free Online Beginners Guide To Painting!

There are 27 Chapters in this Free Online Painting Course:

Let Us Begin…

The Beginners Guide to Painting (This Article)

Watercolor Paints

Watercolor – Where to Start
Watercolor Paints
Watercolor Paint Brands
Watercolor Supports
Watercolor Paint Brushes
Watercolor Basic Painting Techniques
Advanced Watercolor Painting Techniques
Watercolor Painting Accessories
Watercolor Painting Tips and Tricks

Oil Paints

Oils – Where to Start
Oil Paints
Oil Paint Brands
Oil Paint Supports
Oil Paint Brushes
Oil Painting Techniques
Oil Painting Accessories
Oil Painting Tips and Tricks

Acrylic Paints

Acrylics – Where to Start
Acrylic Paints
Acrylic Paint Brands
Acrylic Painting Support
Acrylic Paint Brushes
Acrylic Painting Techniques
Acrylic Painting Accessories
Acrylic Painting Tips and Tricks

In Closing…

Getting Creative!

Enjoy the Free Art Course!

Paint on! :)

6 thoughts on “The Beginners Guide to Painting

  1. Welcome to the 21st century. More and more educational services are going online and it is the trend of the foreseeable future. As a retired educator (science and technology) this is gladly received.

  2. Hi,
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