Outdoor festivals and shows are great for artists and art lovers alike.
Summer brings vacationers and tourists, all of whom are looking for a good time and perhaps a memento of their travels.
Local folks are always on the lookout for an up-and-coming artist to add to their collections, and it’s just fun to mix and mingle with so many arty souls.
Setting up a booth at an art or craft festival is a great way to spread the word about your wonderful artwork; it’s also invigorating and a good way to revitalize your artistic spirit.
So, You’re An Art Festival Novice
If you’d like to set up a booth at an art festival or craft show, it can be an intimidating experience. One thing you’ll need is an outgoing nature, a sense of salesmanship and self-confidence in your work.
You need to know how to sign up, what the venue’s regulations are, what to bring in addition to your art work, the most efficient ways to set up and display your work and a host of tricks to make your show experience enjoyable and profitable.
Many artists just wing it and learn by doing. If you’re more inclined to preparation and learning the ropes beforehand, Amazon has many books to help get you started. They’re written by artists who have been in the trenches and have seen the best and the worst of the art festival circuit. Check out these books to help you prepare for your next step in the artist’s world.
Arts & Crafts Shows
Arts & Crafts Shows: 12 Secrets Every Artist Vendor Should Know By Michael Delaware ASIN: B00C7VLGYE
This book covers a lot of the business of making a living on the show circuit. It cover things like launching a business, how to survive, expanding your business beyond shows and making residual income.
While it doesn’t give you step-by-step art show instructions, it gives the reader new ways to approach the old business of selling art. Mr. Delaware speaks from both sides of the venue, as he has been both a vendor and an organizer for over 20 years.
Crafts And Craft Shows
Crafts And Craft Shows: How To Make Money By Philip Kadubec ASIN: B003RWS4CO
Mr. Kadubec draws on his years of experience in the art show world to compile a book of useful tips, tricks and information for craft show business people.
His book includes chapters on marketing, pricing, business concerns, selecting and understanding art festivals. He also gets down to brass tacks with loads of information on booth set-up and display. There’s also a chapter on alternative selling venues and wholesaling.
The Art Festival Handbook
The Art Festival Handbook Paperback By Marc Duke ISBN-10: 0615198147
Marc Duke portrays through personal experience the ins and outs of succeeding in the art and craft festival circuit. He covers everything from applying to a show, the business of selling and the mechanics of the show itself.
Mr. Duke includes setting up a booth, selling to the public, income and tearing down at the end of a festival. The book is rich with meaningful information that can benefit anyone considering entering the fast-paced and fun world of the art show circuit.
Art Festival Guide
Art Festival Guide: The Artist’s Guide To Selling In Art Festivals By Maria Arango ISBN-10: 1430319763
Ms. Arango has written a comprehensive compendium on how to become successful in the art festival world. Her book has been around for a number of years, and is full of everything you need to prepare for a profitable and enjoyable career on the art show circuit.
Her book includes chapters on the anatomy of an art festival, the nature of the business, making and pricing your art, finding the right venue, preparation and marketing.
She also goes on to examine how to physically set up and do a show, long-range goals and the artist’s well-being and attitude. She includes bonus material such as possible booth set-up diagrams and handy checklists to ensure you’re getting everything done right.
Participating in an art festival is exciting, fun and potentially a great stepping-stone in your artistic career. It’s a lot of work and requires planning, so check out these books for all the tips, tricks and encouragement you need to make your adventure in the arts and craft show circuit a success.