Although winter hasn’t been horrible this year, many folks hunker down inside and wait for warm, dry weather before venturing out. Of course, there are exceptions for essential things like jobs, food, school or other mandatory outdoor excursions.
To pass the time, maybe you binge-watch your favorite TV programs on streaming services, develop your cooking skills, knit everyone in the family scarves or try the latest craft trending on Pinterest.
If you’re into painting, maybe you’ve been adding to your portfolio of work, practicing a new technique or dabbling away with your favorite medium. Or, if you’re like me, you’ve fallen into the mid-winter doldrums and don’t have the impetus to paint.
If that’s the case, maybe browsing through some new art books is just what you need to re-invigorate your artistic muse and get you back to flinging paint!
Conquer New Painting Techniques
If you’re looking to expand your skills or just brush up on things you haven’t done for a while, browsing through a book or two on painting techniques can get your creative juices flowing. You don’t need to create a masterpiece – just get out a canvas or paper and do some practice studies. You can work on textural effects, try out non-standard painting tools or work on how directional lighting affects your composition.
You may even want to switch it up and try a new medium. Bored with acrylics? Try watercolor. Want something challenging? Give egg tempera a try!
Take A Peek Into The Life Of Your Favorite Artist
Reading about the life of a favorite artist can be illuminating. There are zillions of biographies and autobiographies about the life and times of artists from the most famous to many more obscure painters.
Digging into the personality, the lifestyle and the era of an artist can provide a lot of insight into the thought process these artists used to create works of art that are as significant today as they were when they were first produced.
Get A Refresher In Composition
Regardless of what medium you use or what style you prefer, composition is at the heart of any piece of art. Whether you’re into realism, cubism or any other ‘ism,’ your composition can change a so-so painting into a real head-turner.
If you’re new to painting, it’s a good place to start. If you’re more experienced, you may have fallen into a rut with your standard format, and re-reading ideas about composition may give you a new perspective in creating interesting or provocative compositions.
Catch Up On The Latest Tools Of The Trade
Art is forever changing. And with that constantly evolving body, there is a never-ending supply of new and improved materials and tools with which to create and explore.
If you’re a product junkie – whether it’s new brushes, colors, substrates or other art ephemera, reading up on your favorite artists’ tools and supplies is always fun. It’s sure to give you some ideas for your next project and can get you in the mood to start painting.