10 Easter Crafts To Decorate Your Home

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Even though the temperature dipped below the freezing point last night and the extended forecast calls for snow this week, spring really is just around the corner.

That means that it’s time to decorate your home for Easter.

Get out the craft supplies, cover the table to protect it from paint flinging and call the kids for an afternoon of crafting.

Whether your children are toddlers or experienced young crafters, there’s loads of decorating fun for all ages.

Crafts For The Little Ones

  1. Construction paper and finger paints are easy and fun for the little ones. They can paint their favorite bunnies and lambs for display in your windows and on the refrigerator door.
  2. If your tots are old enough to use safety scissors, they can cut out egg shapes, decorate and glue them to small cylinders of paper to make napkin rings for you Easter dinner table.
  3. Paper plates are also perfect to create bunny and chick faces. Crayons, felt eyes and pipe cleaners complete the masterpiece.
  4. If your kids are a little older and can be trusted not to get too much glue in their hair or on your carpet, there’s tons of creative crafts to make baskets, centerpieces and wall art.
  5. Using paint, markers and construction paper, kids can decorate plastic or real eggs to make colorful Easter eggs for a centerpiece for your dining table. Add construction paper feet and ears, use a marker to make eyes and a nose, and your kids can make a whole farmyard of cute bunnies and chicks.
  6. Cut down an empty milk jug, and your child can cover it with construction paper or cotton balls to create a lamb Easter basket. Just punch holes near the top and add a ribbon to make a handle.
  7. Colorful tissue paper and thinned white glue are a great way to make decoupaged eggs. Children can also use this technique to cover plastic baskets, plates or bowls.
  8. Styrofoam is another kid-friendly craft material. Styrofoam eggs can be painted, glued and adorned with all sorts of fun and festive embellishments. Use plastic eyes, feathers and construction paper to create animals. Wrap with colorful yarn or add sequins and glitter to give texture to plain-colored eggs.
  9. Use decorated eggs to create an Easter tree. Attach a ribbon for hanging and use the eggs to decorate an arrangement of bare limbs in a vase. You can also glue the eggs to a Styrofoam cone to create an egg-covered tree centerpiece. Displaying a group of eggs in a clear glass canister is also a pretty way of adding color to a counter, table or shelf.
  10. Decorated eggs are also a fun way to embellish a wreath. Use a hot glue gun to adhere your child’s eggs to a Styrofoam wreath, add ribbons, flowers and it’s ready to hang on your door.

Let the Kids go wild this Easter!

Easter is a great time to let the kids go wild with decorations for your home. The colorful array of crafts are easy, economical and a good way to bring the colors of spring indoors. So, the next rainy afternoon when the kids complain that they’re bored, dig out the craft bin, splash-proof the table and surrounding area and help the Easter Bunny get ready for Easter.

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